Galactic Explorers Podcast #38

Galactic Explorers Podcast #38

Hello Explorers!

In this episode of the Galactic Explorers Podcast you get to put up with Jeff's face instead of my own! I know, a vast improvement!

Apart from that we are talking about the recent No Man's Sky Waking Titan news! Including Jeff's experience of being at the live drop that occurred over the weekend in Boston!

Plus! We announce that we are starting to put out two episodes a week! And a new co-host will be joining us!

We are also discussing whether big AAA companies are looking at indie companies and taking tips about how to approach their own science fiction games!

And discussing Dean Hall's (creator of DayZ) new game Stationeers! A cross between Astroneer and Space Engineers!

Thanks for all your support as always guys! The links for the podcast are below!

YouTube video:


Google Play Music:


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