Galactic Explorers Podcast #48 | NO MANS SKY THE ABYSS
Galactic Explorers Podcast #48 | NO MANS SKY THE ABYSS
Hello Explorers!
Yes we are back! After a short hiatus from uploading due to family commitments my end, we decided to come back at the perfect time!
To begin with on behalf of myself, Jeff and Kings, we would like to send all our support and well wishes over to Cobra on hearing of his horrendous car accident that occurred recently. All the best my friend and get better soon! The community is worse without you!
Now, for today's podcast! We are ofcourse talking about The Abyss! The new update for No Man's Sky! What are the changes and how does it play! Also we are talking about what we've been playing during our time away from the channel including Spider-Man, Assassins Creed Odyssey, Football Manager and Red Dead Redemption 2!
I know we didn't give much notice when we did leave but a lot was going on for me with family life. The future isn't completely known yet, but for now we are back to producing the podcast once a week.
As always thankyou so much for all your continued support, it means so much to us all!
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