A No Man's Sky CON

A No Man's Sky Convention! 
We will be broadcasting a NMS Con on Cobra TV. I wanted this to be an event that took place at a real location, but money, resources, and interest wouldn't allow such a thing to happen. We will be holding a massive all day, and maybe all night stream, and will be doing several contests. Prizes at the moment will be official Lvl 4 Atlas passes from Alice and Smith and Hello Games. Although we are a good deal away from June 16th, now is the time to begin planning! This will be similar to the Anniversary Stream we did last August https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TeeuTaWIfL4 But with more events, and more contests.
Some contests will include
Cosplay (I'm going as Sean Murray) Get creative, Krovax, Vykeen, Gek, Flora, fauna...
Fan trailer Contest (make sure your fan trailers are in my play list on the front page of my channel, trailers that have copyrighted music cannot be used)
Music contest! (songs with copyrighted content will not be included) Live performances are welcome!
Fan art! 
Prizes at the moment are Official Atlas passes from Alice and Smith and Hello Games.
(other ideas are welcome, please comment them on this post only)

More details will follow in the coming weeks! 
Things to remember 
No copyright music or footage in any trailer or music.
Please upload all of your content to the internet via Youtube, soundcloud or any other service. I wont be downloading any files. 
It would be best to post your submissions on this article in the comment section rather than tweeting me. They could get lost that way!


  1. Cobra so if my fan trailer has a 65 dos song and I give them credit in the intro that is not ok? If not I can insert different music, let me know. I’d also like to ‘sponsor’ an event at the Con, perhaps the fan art contest? I can give away as a prize a No Man’s Sky postcard set they are very nice I’ll send you pictures or you can search online for them and see. Actually my fan website can sponsor it nmsgalaxy.com. What do you think?

    1. That sounds AMAZING man! And the song yeah I wont be able to use it bro sadly!

  2. OK I'll upload my video with a different song - no problem, let you know when it's updated.

  3. Hi Cobra! I love the idea of this, and it's on a weekend so everyone can be free :B Can be do a live call in segment? It could be cool to hear how everyone found out about the game and stuck around in such a lovely community :3 Looking forward to June 16th yay!!!

  4. Hy Cobra , i hope all is well , first of all thx a lot for everything you have done for this community im following your channel since first E3 announcement back in the day where siriangaming , elca , and laughtercraft have been in your shows thx really thx for everything. And thx for showing my fanart last time the one with the ships parked and a lot of travellers heading to a little "village" with the "kamikaze nomad" . Secound, with this comment i want to sign in the constest category : cosplay , im building a helmet right now and i hope i get it done till 16th june, i will upload a video on my dailymotion channel and on my https://liberdadeinfinita3.tumblr.com/ page which is the location where i upload pics and story about my one man HUB, this is the first prototype https://scontent-frx5-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/32231554_2144261655805014_7017980981185347584_n.jpg?_nc_cat=0&oh=f41253d88d2db6d155610fb00fe28839&oe=5B5A3F43

  5. Hey Cobra it's Harris - Here is the link to my new tribute video that does not have 65 DOS music. Please post on your fan trailer youtube channel: https://youtu.be/raQcsmawomQ


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