Mystery Cobra TV Theater
I thought I would share with you a fun project I am doing
with another youtuber named Seraphim190. He is a super funny guy. I grew
up watching a show called Mystery Science Theater. Where a man stuck in
space is forced to watch bad Sci-Fi movies with two robots, and they commentate and
make fun of them. Please look up the show on Youtube for reference. But
our show will be a tad different in context. I'm not stuck in space, but
I am forcing a small alien who is mildly insulting, to watch my lets
plays. He wants nothing more but to leave. He thinks my lets plays are
horrible, and that I need a better hobby. The start of the show will be
both of us in the studio (example above) and then we will be in the
theater as silhouettes watching my lets play. At the start in the
studio, Seraphim will be animated to a limited degree. It will be chop
animation, ( mouth moving, hands sometimes outstretched, a head turn)
and then the show will start. Im super excited in doing this. We will
begin recording on 8/31/2017 and this will run for about 4 shows. If it
does well we will continue. If we have a crap load of fun and it doesn't
do well.... we may still continue anyway lol. I have included a short
sample of the show this is based off of below!
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Mystery Science Theater 3000
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