Detachable Dick Technology to Wormholes! | UNcivilized Banter #48 8/19/16

UNcivilized Banter is a long talk format show hosted by Rumandapples and Roshu which ranges in covering topics from gaming, pro wrestling, Mixed Martial Arts, pop culture, movies, comic books, plus much more!

Big Yella AKA TheBlackJoker Joins the Show!

This episode contains thoughts on: $270 Final Fantasy 15 Ultimate Collector's Edition Doesn't Include Season Pass, CS:GO coaches banned from helping teams during competitive matches, Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare's Zombie Mode 80's Drug Addicted Mess, Pokemon Go Facing Class Action Lawsuit, No Man's Sky Could Get Paid DLC, Is Sean Murray a Liar?, Dead Rising 4 Preorder Bonuses Are Different Everywhere, Metal Gear Survive Not a $60 Game, Listener Calls Plus More!

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Edited By Jaco4413:

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