The Rumandapples Show (RAS) #68
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Talking all things gaming with the traditional flair of insanity.Every Monday Rumandapples dives into news analysis about the gaming industry including Microsoft's Xbox One, Xbox 360, Sony's PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 Nintendo Wii U, PC, Independent games, entertainment, even MMA and pro wrestling.
episode contains thoughts on: Notch saying he never felt more
isolated, Six UK Teens Arrested in Connection With Lizard Squad,
Mighty No. 9
demo coming to backers in September, Borderlands movie, Borderlands
fans get married during Gearbox PAX panel, Metal Gear Solid 5: The
Phantom Pain Micro transaction thoughts, Ubisoft says what happens in
the Assassin's Creed movie will affect the games, Mortal Kombat X for
360 and PS3 cancelled, plus more!

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