Across The Pond (ATP) #42
Across The Pond is a gaming talk show hosted by Rumandapples & RoshuGaming that also covers, pop culture, entertainment, professional wrestling, and all sorts of news from across the globe.
This week's episode contains: Dead Island 2 former developer Yager Productions files for insolvency, Capcom asking us if we want a Resident Evil 2 remake, Red Ash Kickstarter loses thousands in a day after Fuze Entertainment steps in, New World of Warcraft expansion to be revealed at Gamescom, Titanfall is getting an online free-to-play edition in Asia, thoughts on Bethesda literally not being able to make any more pip boys, Vote to Play Coming Soon Exclusively for PS Plus Members, EA talks about the new mode for Star Wars Battlefront which is team deathmatch, Futurama making a mobile game, some updates about upcoming indie game Vampyr, Xbox One's Launch Parity Clause being 86'ed, The Terminator steps into WWE2K16, plus more!

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