This week's show includes, Resident Evil Zero remake, and more....
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Talking all things gaming with the traditional flair of insanity.Every Monday Rumandapples dives into news analysis about the gaming industry including Microsoft's Xbox One, Xbox 360, Sony's PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3 Nintendo Wii U, PC, Independent games, entertainment, even MMA and pro wrestling.
This week's show includes, Resident Evil Zero remake, Assassin’s Creed Syndicate narrative driven side quests thoughts, Xbox revealing Forza Motorsport 6 by accident, A theory to why Final Fantasy XV food is important, Square Enix announces Figureheads a 5v5 mech based free to play strategy shooter, Fallout 4 not coming to Xbox 360 & PS3, Valve shipping the Vive Virtual Reality Headsets, A short rant on Uwe Boll on his 3rd failed kickstarter and comments made recently lighting the internet a fire, The Dallas Cowboys using VR to help train quarterbacks, some story time with Rum, plus much more!
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